Summer Blast Amazing Race
Each week campers are teamed up to compete in the Summer Blast Amazing Race! In this challenge, campers are given a series of tasks, challenges, puzzles, and games as they race and battle for prizes, bragging rights, and of course the ability to say they were Amazing Race champions!
Get ready for an epic adventure when our Campers partake in the SUMMER BLAST AMAZING RACE. Campers are teamed up with their counselor in a battle that allows them to work together as a true team! Each team will participate in a number of entertaining, silly, laughable, and of course fun, challenges that require teamwork and (some) skill.  Teams are also encouraged to pick a team name and theme prior to the big day and dress up to add to the fun! Â
Challenges are age-specific so that all campers from SK to Grade 6 are able to participate. For our little ones, the counselors guide them carefully through fun tasks ensuring that all campers feel included while ensuring lots of giggles along the way. For our Junior Campers, the tasks get a little more difficult as campers must solve clues leading them to the next destination and task. This requires both problem solving skills and team communication. Finally, our Intermediate Campers are involved in even more challenging tasks as the solve more complication tasks that (sometimes) need to be repeated several times before they get them right. This day is ALWAYS super fun for our campers!
Our Summer Blast Amazing Race occurs each Friday as a great finish to an awesome week.